So anyone who knows me, knows that I have a bad rep when it come to computers and recent decent technology. It’s coz I literally live inside the black hole of technological things All those old skool computers, computer games – they are for me, not any of this new stuff! What I mean by this is that I literally short circuit shit, set off alarms coming in and out of shops ( even without having bought something for there or any other place) and I crash computers. Someone said that i‘m like the human version of an EMP ( Electro magnetic pulse!) Nawwwwwwwwww man that’s just wrong and way harsh!!!!!!! He also said that maybe the machines from the Terminator movies came back and tried to kill me but failed but did get me a lil which is why I’m kinda slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! I was like WTF! Lol!
Well it’s not true, I mean I dnt short circuit phones or DVD players or internet waves, I just seem to carry a weird field of static electricity with me and maybe attract computer virus – ah, who knows????
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