Wednesday, 8 September 2010

A 'real' celebrity

OK so many people think that a real ‘celeb’ is someone who shops on the high-street and likes to eat salads from Prêt and well, I dnt know ‘mingle’ with commoners but let me tell you! A person who should be given the title of a ‘real’ celeb is someone like James Khan or Mark Strong who even though they have amassed millions and are very successful (one a private equity investor + a Dragon and the other is very successful English actor) they still use normal and very public transport. This comes without the ‘who-ha!’ and the paparazzi and the show (I’m guessing this is probably down to the fact that paparazzi dnt expect famous people to travel publicly without a fuss or a tip-off). James Khan was spotted by my brother on a train from Manchester to London sitting in a normal carriage, not even first class!!!!! Mark Strong, travelling with his wife and his two little boys on a BA flight (no first class just executive class where there was a girl with a broken leg) from Rome, Italy to London, in the same economy flight as pretty much me and everyone else was sat!!!!! Brilliant!

Read it, like it, Love it!

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